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職稱英語考試重點放在閱讀理解上,要怎麼通過職稱英語考試呢?考職稱英語並不難,就像大多數事情一樣,必須具備兩點條件:一是勤學苦練;二是掌握方法。所謂勤學苦練就是指凡是書上的內容都要一一熟讀、儘量牢記,最後做到只看題幹就能下意識地反映出答案內容。書是最好的複習資料,尤其是閱讀理解和完形填空兩個部分的篇目,更是重中之重,因為它有約30分的內容就是從這裡邊出的,是可掌握可控制的唯一途徑,所以這一部分是基礎中的基礎,要紮紮實實地下工夫,切不可偷懶,掛漏一漏萬,那考試時就是和自己過不去了。掌握方法首先說的是考試的時候,除了第一部分詞彙和第四部分閱讀理解動用字典翻譯之外,其它地方看不懂也最好不要用用字典翻譯,因為時間往往不夠用。第一部分 詞彙15分,第一個做這題,查英英字典,查不到的詞不理它,其它題做完後再回過頭用英漢字典查出來,這部分要必得10分以上。第六部分 完形填空 共15分,第二個做這題,本題為書中原文,這部分要必得12分。第二部分 閱讀判斷7分,第三個做這題,什麼也不看直接寫答案,AAAAAABA或AAAAAAAB,按概率可得3-4分。第四部分 閱讀理解45分,第四個做這題,這裡是重中之重,能夠順利過關就全看這裡了。這裡有一篇書中原文,這裡的15分要必得,按我上面的學習方法如果熟記書上的所有篇目則難度不大,時間不長。還有兩篇,一篇比較簡單,不看原文直接看題目,根據題目中的資訊詞,到原文中定位題目原句,再看定位句中的下一句和答案中的資訊詞對比,就象連連看一樣,可以很快找到答案,這裡可得12分。還有一篇可能有點難度,那就用字典把題目和答案的關鍵詞翻譯出來,通過理解和原文資訊詞定位的方法,把它做出來,一般可得9分。這裡做完就回過頭把第一部分詞彙沒查完的同義詞用英漢字典查出來。第三部分 概括大意與完成句子8分,第五個做這題,看不懂也不查字典,直接按答題技巧做題,段落概括大意,重點看每段的第一句第二句再看最後一句,有沒有答案中的資訊詞,完成句子部分先譯出題目的中文意思,再在文章中找到相關內容的'出處,就可以比較容易地知道該選哪個句子了。只要認真仔細謹慎,加一些小小的技巧,這裡的8分大致可以拿到4-6分。最後做第五部分 補全短文10分,這個題由於是書外出的,無從複習也有點難,所以可分為兩種情況:如果時間夠,則仔仔細細地讀一遍,再認真核對答案,用心選擇,確保成功率;如果時間緊促,或者文章實在難以理解,也可以用蒙一水的方法,就是填一個A,四個B,或者ABCDE亂填,目標蒙對一個答案得2分,可能一分也得不了,但是我們回過頭看一下我們的分數,早已過了60分囉,OK附:某年10月考試的綜合類閱讀理解題為——第三十五篇 Dorm Food More ComfyOnce upon a time, eating in an American college dorm meant soup in a hotpot or getting pizza delivered. The most interesting thing about the campus dining hall was often the salad more. These days, US college students have refined tastes and a growing interest in preparing their own food. Mini-refrigerators and microwaves in dorm rooms are as essential as laptops."The cooking awareness of college students is increasing," said Tom Post, president of campus dining for Sodexo, a major food service company. "Students today grew up watching celebrity chefs on TV, eating organic food and valuing good nutrition."In response, cafeteria menus have changed. Sodexo's top campus foods for 2009 include Vietnamese noodle soup, goat cheese salad, and Mexican chicken. But colleges are also catering to student demands for more flexible and personalized dining twells, the company that prepares food for dining halls at Ohio Wesleyan University in the state of Ohio, offers microwaveable meals that students can take away, as well as a program where students can have food individually prepared. Or they can even do their own fall, Sarah Lawrence College in New York will offer students on its meal plan a chance to pick up groceries in the cafeteria as an alternative to a cooked meal."Students want things that are easy to make, things that don't take long and will still taste good," said Rachel Holcomb, a University of Massachusetts-Amherst student who updated recipes for the new edition of The Healthy College lo Berti, a chef at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, teaches cooking in dorm kitchens. But Berti says he's not just teaching recipes. He's encouraging students to use dining together as a way to socialize and as a means of self-expression. "The meal is your canvas," Berti said. “You paint what you want."That's why at the College of William & Mary in Virginia, students produce a cooking show filmed in a dorm called "Everyday Gourmet". One episode was “Date Night Cooking: A 3-Course meal for under $20," featuring grilled chicken stuffed with goat cheese and basil.?註釋:標題意思為(美國)宿舍烹飪之風流行。 練習:1. Which of the following is not mentioned as a basic equipment in today's student dorms?A) fridgesB) microwavesC) notebook computerD) TV sets2. Which of the following statements is true according to the author?A) The salad bar is still the most interesting food to them up to now.B) Today Pizza remains the most popular food to US college students.C) US college students want their dining options to be more flexible and personalized.D) Colleges have made no changes to meet students' needs.3. The following food are among Sodexo's top campus foods for 2009 EXCEPT:A) Italian PizzaB) Vietnamese noodle soupC) goat cheese saladD) Mexican chicken4. Which of the following statements about Angelo Berti is NOT true?A) He is a chef at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.B) He teaches cooking in a cooking school.C) He believes that cooking means more than preparing food following the recipes.D) He regards dining together as a good way to expand the circle of friends.5. What does Angelo Berti mean by saying "The meal is your canvas"?A) Cooking is so boring that it is not worthy for students to have a try.B) College students should make their meal as simple as possible.C) Cooking is a good way to express oneself freely.D) If one wants to become a successful cook, he'd better learn painting first.答案與題解:1. D 第二段末尾提及現在美國的大學宿舍裡,小冰箱和微波爐和膝上型電腦一樣成為 了必需品,惟獨沒有提及電視。2. C 第四段最後一句說美國的大學在儘量滿足學生對於飲食更加靈活和個性化的要 求。3. A 第四段說Sodexo2009年最受歡迎的校園食品包括B、C和D選項。4. B 從倒數第二段可知,Angelo Berti教授廚藝的地點並非烹飪學校,而是大學學生寢室的廚房。5. C 從該句的上下文可知,Angelo Berti說“The meal is your canvas”的真實意思是做飯是自由表達自我的一個很好的途徑或方式。本次10月考試的綜合類完形填空題為——第二篇 Making yourself a good record   If you are an American and you think you might need to borrow money someday, the best thing to do is start early.   That’s because just as many employers want to hire only people with experience, banks and other creditors are usually reluctant to lend to those without a proven track record of paying back, on time, the money they have borrowed.   But if you need experience just to get a start, how do you get that start in the first place?   With a little help from your parents usually, while you are still financially dependent on them. It is easy to get a credit card or student loan when you are in college, because banks figure your parents will bail you out if you fail to pay.   So just as students take on internships to build up their resumes, one’s university time can be a good time to work on another important personal record: the credit report .   Credit reports are a summary of one’s personal credit history, gathered by a credit reporting agency, or CRA.   Banks, and companies - including hospitals, landlords and insurance companies – regularly report to the three main CRAs in the US on how their customers are doing at paying back the money they owe .   Anyone with a “legitimate business need” has the right to order individuals’ reports from the CRAs. Potential creditors usually compile the information in the reports into a credit “score”, ranking the level of creditworthiness. Lack of experience in borrowing in addition to a bad record of doing so, can result in a low score.   Even if you are not considering taking out a loan for such a large purchase as a home or car, your credit report can be important to getting through life. Landlords often ask for the reports to judge whether a person can be trusted to pay the rent. Credit checks are necessary for getting a credit card, even for purchasing a mobile phone calling plan.   People can obtain a copy of their own credit report, usually at a cost of around US$8-9. Some consumer organizations recommend doing this once a year to allow one to catch any mistakes that have slipped into the records or, even worse, to find out whether any fraud has taken place. Though the system is controlled by laws meant to protect people’s privacy, it isn’t fool-proof: Sometimes people take out bad loads in others’ names, ruining their records.   In a society addicted to credit, that can be a disaster.
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