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Carpooling: An arrangement wherby several participants share a ride, going to the same or a nearby destination in a car and sharing the costs.



Carpooling: An arrangement wherby several participants share a ride, going to the same or a nearby destination in a car and sharing the costs.


1. 我和鄰居拼車送孩子上學很方便也很省時。

It's time-saving and convenient to carpool with my neighbors to take our children to school.

2. 咱兩家拼車去趟西藏吧。

Let’s put together a carpool to visit Tibet.

3. 我和小李拼車上班省了不少油錢。

I save a fair amount of gas money by carpooling with Xiao Li to work.


A: 小徐,今年五一去哪兒了?

B: 去西安看兵馬俑去了。

A: 飛機票一定很不好買吧?

B: 我們拼車去的,沒買票。

A: 哦,說錯了吧?是開車去的吧。

B: 沒錯,是開車去的。Actually, we shared a car with another family and split the costs equally.

A: 噢,這就叫拼車呀?

B: 是呀,不知道了吧?In Chinese, there are many expressions using the character “拼 pin”, such as pinhe (piece up), pinjie (joint) and pincou (put together) as well as pinche (carpool). Of course, it does not refer to putting two cars together, but getting a few people together to share one car.

A: 幾個人拼一輛車,省油、省力又環保,聽起來可真不錯。

B: 可不是嗎?

A: 我還真沒拼過車。除了拼車旅遊,人們都拼車幹什麼呢?

B: 我們可以拼車上下班,拼車接送孩子去幼兒園或上下學等等。

A: 還真多。以後我就環保一下,不天天自己開車上下班了,看看能不能和朋友一起拼車上下班,還能省些費用。

B: 好啊,太好了。祝你拼車成功。

A: 好嘞,多謝。



Carpooling refers to an arrangement made by a group of people such as coworkers or schoolmates to share a ride to and from somewher with shared costs. People who own cars can offer rides to others on the same route to work, so as to save them money and bring convenience to others.


Carpooling is a newly emerging thing. According to reports, a “taxi-pool” system has been adopted in South Korea, Greece, the United States and Europe. In the U.S., people are encouraged to share a taxi, which helps save the environment, reduce traffic congestion and benefit passengers. Carpooling is becoming a fashion in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other major cities in China.