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In education we are striving not to teach youth to make a living, but to make a life.( W. A. White )教育不是為了教會青年人謀生,而是教會他們創造生活。(懷特)


People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. ( Chesterton )通常人們是因為不會辯理才吵架的 —— 切斯特頓

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. ( W. Durant )教育是一個逐步發現自己無知的過程。(杜蘭特

Don't waste life in doubts and fears. ( Emerson )不要把生命浪費於懷疑與恐懼中 —— 愛默生

There is no such thing as darkness; only a failure to see. 只有看不見而已。(馬格里奇)

A long dispute means that both parties are wrong. ( Voltaire )持久的爭論意味著雙方都是錯的 —— 伏爾泰

A day is a miniature of eternity. ( Emerson )一天是永恆的縮影 —— 愛默生

If there were lesympathy in the world, there would be letrouble in the world. ( O. Wilde )如果世界上少恍?椋?瀾縞弦簿突嶸僖恍┞櫸場?王爾德)

Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. ( C. Weizmann )奇蹟有時候是會發生的,但是你得為之拼命蒂努力。(魏茨曼)

Morality may consist solely in the courage of ma-ki-ng a choice. ( L. Blum )品德可能僅僅在於有勇氣作出抉擇。(布魯斯)

Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ( Shakespeare )不要只因一次挫敗,就放棄你原來決心想達到的.目的 —— 莎士比亞

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. ( W. G. McAdoo )在爭論中是無法擊敗無知者的。(麥卡杜)

The man who has made up his mind to win will never say Impossible。( Napoleon )凡是決心取得勝利的人是從來不說不可能的 —— 拿破崙

The worst tragedy for a poet is to be admired through being misunderstood. ( J. Cocteau )對於詩人來說,最大的悲劇莫過於由於誤解而受到欽佩。(科克託)

Time is a bird for ever on the wing. ( T. W. Robertson )時間是一隻永遠在飛翔的鳥。(羅伯遜)

If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. ( Edison )如果你年輕時不學會思考,那就永遠不會 —— 愛迪生

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