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  課題: 細節資訊理解類閱讀題專題複習(一)

教學目標:1 通過分析 07,08, 09 年會考英語細節資訊理解類的試題,學生能 夠歸納出細節資訊理解類閱讀題的特點、考查形式和層次; 2 通過完成、分析 07, 08 會考題, 09 年模擬試題並結合對試題特點、 考查形式和層次的理解, 學生能夠歸納出細節資訊理解類閱讀題的 解題思路和技巧; 3 通過對試題解題思路的分析,學生能夠明白詞彙量、閱讀策略和 日常閱讀量對於解題的重要性, 從而重視擴充識詞量, 養成每日主 動複習詞彙和做閱讀的習慣,並增強做細節資訊理解類試題的信 心。 教學內容:1 複習話題常規詞彙 30 個。 2 有關細節資訊理解—單句句意理解和多句句意理解的會考閱讀 試題。 教學重點:1 結合會考試題分析細節資訊理解類題的考查點。 2 學生通過完成並分析細節資訊理解類閱讀題, 歸納出解題思路和 技巧。 教學難點:句意歸納及句子間邏輯關係分析。 教學手段:黑板、多媒體、粉筆、試卷等。 教學步驟: 一 常規認讀單詞 1 根據 PPT,學生逐一朗讀單詞並說出單詞的中文意思。

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2 全班齊讀單詞一遍。 二 匯入 1、學生通過複習上節課獲取細節資訊類閱讀題的做題方法以及做同義 句 match 練習,閱讀試卷進入本課的學習。 Q 1:上節我們複習了會考閱讀考查的第一個層次直接獲取細節資訊, 這類題有什麼解題技巧呢?(Ss: 在文中找原句) Q 2:現在我們再做一個練習,請大家把第Ⅰ欄和第Ⅱ欄的中意義相同的 句子連起來。你們是找到的原句嗎?為什麼這麼連線呢?(Ss:) 三 歸納單句句意理解類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 (一) 理解單句句意類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 Step 1 學生在 3 分鐘內閱讀材料( 一 )並完成後面的問題。 T:剛才同學們是通過理解句意找到答案的,這就是我們今天要復 習的閱讀考查的第二個層次理解細節資訊。教師板書課題理 解細節資訊 那麼我們怎樣較好地完成這類題呢?請大家在 3 分鐘內閱讀材料並 完成 52 題。 Step 2 學生用手指示意答案。 Step 3 學生討論該題的解題思路和技巧。 Q1:這類題是我們前面做過的直接從文中找原句的題嗎? Q 2:你們是怎麼找到答案的? Step 4 學生在教師的引導下重新梳理試題解題思路。 What shall we do if a firework doesn’t seem to work? If a firework does

n't seem to work, don't try to light it again. Stand back for a while and throw water over it. A. Wait and throw water over it. Stand back for a while = wait

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Step 5 學生運用排除法進一步確保答案正確。 閱讀步驟: 題幹中尋找關鍵詞, 關注問題題幹 理解單句含義,到選項中找意思相近的相同的詞 鎖定文中資訊句 確定選項

(二)歸納單句句意理解類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 Step 1 學生閱讀材料二,並完成後面的第一個問題(二) 。 T: 現在請同學們在 3 分鐘內完成閱讀材料二中的 1 題。 Step 2 學生用手指示意答案。 Step 3 學生討論該題的做題方法。 Step 4 學生在教師引導下對試題進行分析。 分析: 本段的主題句是你遇到麻煩時,如何處理, 分析: 本段的主題句是你遇到麻煩時,如何處理,本問題前邊都在談感 後面談解決的辦法。 your friends how you feel 同義. talk to them, tell listen 受, 後面談解決的辦法。 , to their explanation (解釋 同義 try to find out why 解釋)同 解釋 tell your friends how you feel, 本題為同義詞的解釋。 本題為同義詞的解釋。

listen to their explanation

talk to them

try to find out why

Step 5 學生通過對所完成練習的分析, 歸納單句句意理解類閱讀題的解題 思路和技巧。 四 歸納多句句意理解類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧

(一)理解多句句意類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 Step 1 學生在規定的時間 (3 分鐘) 內閱讀材料二並完成後面的問題 (三) T:現在請大家繼續閱讀三,看和上一題的做題方法有何異同。 Step 2 學生用手指示意答案。 Step 3 學生討論並說出該題的解題思路和技巧。 Q1:上一題,我們通過問題題幹,可以從文中找到相對應的一句話,那 麼這次你也是通過

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一句話進行判斷的嗎?(Ss:是幾句話) Q2:那麼你們是怎麼選出答案的呢? Step 4 學生在教師的引導下進行試題分析。 T:你是如何從這幾句話中推出答案的呢?(Ss:help) Step 5 學生運用排除法進一步確保答案正確。 關注問題題幹 確定選項 (二)歸納多句句意類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 Step 1 學生在規定的時間 (4 分鐘) 內閱讀材料三並完成後面的問題 (四) T:現在請大家繼續閱讀第四篇材料,完成第 55 題。 Step 2 學生用手指示意答案。 Step 3 學生討論並說出這道題的解題思路和技巧。 Q1: 上一題, 我們通過對文中幾句話的理解得出了答案, 那麼這次呢? (Ss: 是幾句話或一段話) Q2:那麼你們是怎麼選出答案的呢? Step 4 學生在教師的引導下進行試題分析。 T:你是如何從這幾句話中推出答案的呢? 分析: 分析: She says that the way you think is causing

some of your illness. 你想的 方式導致疾病, study the human mind and try to explain why people behave in 方式導致疾病, the way that they do,研究人類思想解釋人的行為。Think 的名詞 thoughts, 研究人類思想解釋人的行為。 研究人類思想解釋人的行為 , behave 的名詞 behaviour. 小節:關注問題題幹 確定選項。 五 過關測試 Step 1 學生在規定的時間(10 分鐘)內完成過關測試題一(見附件三) 。 Step 2 學生分析訂正答案。

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六 總結閱讀能力提高策略。 積累同義,詞彙是關鍵。珍惜時間,見到就背。 潛心閱讀,耐心尋找。排除節選, 方法得當。抓住認的,合理猜測。 七 佈置作業 1、背記會考三級詞彙動詞 30 個。 2、完成所發細節資訊理解閱讀料模擬題劃出的。 附材料 細節理解資訊題( 細節理解資訊題 二) 理解句義判斷 理解句義判斷 1. 連線Ⅰ、Ⅱ欄中相同的表達 1、He is looking after his younger sister.. A. She always helps others. 2、Mike often goes to school by bike B. He is taking care of his younger sister. 3、She is a kind-hearted girl. C. Mike often rides a bicycle to school. 2. 閱讀下列材料,完成後面問題。 (一) If you live in the city that allows fireworks and you're planning a do-it-yourself celebration, follow the safety advice to protect yourself and the people watching: Make sure an adult(成人) is to be with you at all times. Don't allow little kids to play with fireworks. Always use fireworks outside with water nearby. Keep fireworks away from dry leaves and other things that can easily catch fire. Light one firework at a time. Keep the firework you're lighting well away from unlit(未點燃的)fireworks. Point fireworks away from people. If you're lighting a firework, wear eye protection and put the firework pointing up. If a firework doesn't seem to work, don't try to light(點燃) it again. Stand back for a while and throw water over it. Put all fireworks into the water before throwing them away. Keep fireworks in a cool, dry place. If someone is hurt in the eye by fireworks, don’t rub the eye. Call 999 or go to the nearest hospital.( 2007 年北京會考大綱卷閱讀 B 篇 242 詞) 52. What shall we do if a firework doesn’t seem to work?

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A. Wait and throw water over it. C. Try to light it again quickly.

B. Light another firework. D. Call 999 for help at once.

(二) When you’re in trouble, don’t give away your power to decide how you feel about yourself. Choose how you want to think and act (行動). Other people can’t make you unhappy or angry. They only act in their own way and then it’s up to you to decide how you will respond (迴應). For example, your friends go out to lunch without

you. You feel angry. How are you going to act? You may blame your friends…“They’re not kind. Who needs them anyway?” or56 you may tell your friends how you feel, listen to their explanation (解釋), and let them know you’d like to be invited next time. 56. If the writer’s friends have a dinner without him, he may .理解細節整合文段 A. forget it and be still friendly with them B. talk to them and try to find out why C. do the same thing to them in return D. ask somebody else to talk to them ( 三) Before he started his journey, Jeff spent 2 years practicing running and took part in many boat races. He had also traveled in the Arctic for 28 years. All of these were good for him. But trouble still happened. Jeff was seven days into his journey in the Arctic. It was dark and terribly cold (-35 ℃). In face of this terribly low temperature, he had made good progress across the ice. Suddenly, the ice broke and one of his sledges fell into the sea. Jeff needed to get it back, so he had to put his hand into the ice-covered water. 50. Jeff for his journey. A. bought enough food B. practiced running C. had a medical check D. took a long walk ( 四) 1 It′s 2009. You feel sick, so you go to the doctor. She checks your fever,

looks at your throat, and asks what you′ve been thinking about lately. When you leave, she gives you some medicine, but also a list of thinking skills that you are supposed to practice daily. 55 She says that the way you think is causing some of your illness.

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?2 Doctors and other scientists who study the human mind and try to explain why people behave in the way that they do, called psychologists, are starting to believe it. You know that your brain is connected to every part of your body through your nervous system (神經系統). Now scientists have proved that how you think and feel can have an influence on the health of your body. 55.A psychologist is a person who may help you with your. A. illness and abilities B. thoughts and behaviour C. mind and nervous system ical activity and daily exercise



A bully is a person who enjoys hurting other people. A bully can hurt people with words or by hitting them. 85% of children in the UK have been bullied(欺侮) at least once. How can I tell if a person is a bully? He or she will… try to find your weak point — perhaps you are shy, nervous or easily made worried. make fun of(取笑)you in front of your friends. borrow money then won’t pay you back. What can I do if a bully bothers(騷擾) me? Tell the bully to leave you alone. Do not be afraid to ask other people to help you, even though the bully tells you not to. Do not feel ashamed(羞愧) because you have been bullied. You have done nothing wrong! The bully should feel ashamed. Do not believe the bad things a bully says about you. What should I do if I see a bully bothering someone? Help people who are being bullied, e

ven though you don’t know them. Be a friend to people who are bullied. Tell a teacher if you see bullying. Tell bullies to stop. Sometimes bullies are afraid, too. Why do some people become bullies? Some bullies… have never learnt to think about other people’s feelings. don’t like themselves, so they are sad. They think they will be happy if they

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make another person sad. have been bullied themselves by other bullies. Can bullies change? Yes! Bullies can change when they learn to think about other people’s feelings. Sometimes bullies must be punished(懲罰) before they understand. Sometimes, bullies just need friends.( 2006 年北京會考閱讀 B 篇 280 詞) 54. What should you do if you see a bully bothering your friends? A. Leave your friends alone. B. Help your friends prevent the bullying. C. Make your friends feel ashamed. D. Tell your friends they are wrong. (二) Old friends. They finish your sentences, they remember the cat that ran away when you were twelve, and they tell you the truth when you’ve had a bad haircut. But mostly, they are always there for you, whether it’s in person or by way of the late night phone calls, through good times and bad. But as the years pass, it becomes more and more difficult to see each other, to make new memories. Luckily, my high school girlfriends and I decided long ago not to let this happen. We decided to have reunions(重聚). A few months ago, we met up for a three-day weekend in the American Southwest. We grew up together in Maine and have said for years that we should have an annual event, yet it’s often postponed or canceled due to schedule conflicts(日程安排衝突). Not this year. Four of us—two from SanFrancisco, one from Boston and one from Seattle-got on planes for New Mexico, where one of the gang lives and works for an art gallery. We had long talks by the pool, wonderful meals and a hike that brought the whole group to tears over the sheer(完全的) wonderment that we can be this close—twelve years after graduation—with such physical distance(距離) between us. It’s heartbreaking that we can’t spend our days together in the same neighborhood, walking the same streets, reading the same newspaper at the same coffee shop. But that’s life. Grown-up life. Life today, however, is full of doubt, full of fear. Yet it reminds(提醒) me—now, more than ever—how important it is that we stay in close touch. We may have questions about our future, but we have true faith in our past, and though this reunion of friends has come to a close, we are already drawing up plans for the next one. ( 2008 年北京豐臺補 充統練一 C 篇 325 詞) 52. Your old friends do the following things except . A. knowing what you are going to say. B. caring about little things about you.

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C. praising you even though you have had a bad haircut. D. staying with you through good times and bad times.

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九年級英語教學設計 會考英語閱讀專題複習(二)-理解細節資訊 會考英語閱讀專題複習( )-理解細節資訊 分院附屬學校 2010-3 周瑞雪

課題: 細節資訊理解類閱讀題專題複習(一)

教學目標:1 通過分析 07,08, 09 年會考英語細節資訊理解類的試題,學生能 夠歸納出細節資訊理解類閱讀題的特點、考查形式和層次; 2 通過完成、分析 07, 08 會考題, 09 年模擬試題並結合對試題特點、 考查形式和層次的理解, 學生能夠歸納出細節資訊理解類閱讀題的 解題思路和技巧; 3 通過對試題解題思路的分析,學生能夠明白詞彙量、閱讀策略和 日常閱讀量對於解題的重要性, 從而重視擴充識詞量, 養成每日主 動複習詞彙和做閱讀的習慣,並增強做細節資訊理解類試題的信 心。 教學內容:1 複習話題常規詞彙 30 個。 2 有關細節資訊理解—單句句意理解和多句句意理解的會考閱讀 試題。 教學重點:1 結合會考試題分析細節資訊理解類題的考查點。 2 學生通過完成並分析細節資訊理解類閱讀題, 歸納出解題思路和 技巧。 教學難點:句意歸納及句子間邏輯關係分析。 教學手段:黑板、多媒體、粉筆、試卷等。 教學步驟: 一 常規認讀單詞 1 根據 PPT,學生逐一朗讀單詞並說出單詞的中文意思。

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2 全班齊讀單詞一遍。 二 匯入 1、學生通過複習上節課獲取細節資訊類閱讀題的做題方法以及做同義 句 match 練習,閱讀試卷進入本課的學習。 Q 1:上節我們複習了會考閱讀考查的第一個層次直接獲取細節資訊, 這類題有什麼解題技巧呢?(Ss: 在文中找原句) Q 2:現在我們再做一個練習,請大家把第Ⅰ欄和第Ⅱ欄的中意義相同的 句子連起來。你們是找到的原句嗎?為什麼這麼連線呢?(Ss:) 三 歸納單句句意理解類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 (一) 理解單句句意類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 Step 1 學生在 3 分鐘內閱讀材料( 一 )並完成後面的問題。 T:剛才同學們是通過理解句意找到答案的,這就是我們今天要復 習的閱讀考查的第二個層次理解細節資訊。教師板書課題理 解細節資訊 那麼我們怎樣較好地完成這類題呢?請大家在 3 分鐘內閱讀材料並 完成 52 題。 Step 2 學生用手指示意答案。 Step 3 學生討論該題的解題思路和技巧。 Q1:這類題是我們前面做過的直接從文中找原句的`題嗎? Q 2:你們是怎麼找到答案的? Step 4 學生在教師的引導下重新梳理試題解題思路。 What shall we do if a firework doesn’t seem to work? If a firework does

n't seem to work, don't try to light it again. Stand back for a while and throw water over it. A. Wait and throw water over it. Stand back for a while = wait

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Step 5 學生運用排除法進一步確保答案正確。 閱讀步驟: 題幹中尋找關鍵詞, 關注問題題幹 理解單句含義,到選項中找意思相近的相同的詞 鎖定文中資訊句 確定選項

(二)歸納單句句意理解類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 Step 1 學生閱讀材料二,並完成後面的第一個問題(二) 。 T: 現在請同學們在 3 分鐘內完成閱讀材料二中的 1 題。 Step 2 學生用手指示意答案。 Step 3 學生討論該題的做題方法。 Step 4 學生在教師引導下對試題進行分析。 分析: 本段的主題句是你遇到麻煩時,如何處理, 分析: 本段的主題句是你遇到麻煩時,如何處理,本問題前邊都在談感 後面談解決的辦法。 your friends how you feel 同義. talk to them, tell listen 受, 後面談解決的辦法。 , to their explanation (解釋 同義 try to find out why 解釋)同 解釋 tell your friends how you feel, 本題為同義詞的解釋。 本題為同義詞的解釋。

listen to their explanation

talk to them

try to find out why

Step 5 學生通過對所完成練習的分析, 歸納單句句意理解類閱讀題的解題 思路和技巧。 四 歸納多句句意理解類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧

(一)理解多句句意類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 Step 1 學生在規定的時間 (3 分鐘) 內閱讀材料二並完成後面的問題 (三) T:現在請大家繼續閱讀三,看和上一題的做題方法有何異同。 Step 2 學生用手指示意答案。 Step 3 學生討論並說出該題的解題思路和技巧。 Q1:上一題,我們通過問題題幹,可以從文中找到相對應的一句話,那 麼這次你也是通過

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一句話進行判斷的嗎?(Ss:是幾句話) Q2:那麼你們是怎麼選出答案的呢? Step 4 學生在教師的引導下進行試題分析。 T:你是如何從這幾句話中推出答案的呢?(Ss:help) Step 5 學生運用排除法進一步確保答案正確。 關注問題題幹 確定選項 (二)歸納多句句意類閱讀題的解題思路和技巧 Step 1 學生在規定的時間 (4 分鐘) 內閱讀材料三並完成後面的問題 (四) T:現在請大家繼續閱讀第四篇材料,完成第 55 題。 Step 2 學生用手指示意答案。 Step 3 學生討論並說出這道題的解題思路和技巧。 Q1: 上一題, 我們通過對文中幾句話的理解得出了答案, 那麼這次呢? (Ss: 是幾句話或一段話) Q2:那麼你們是怎麼選出答案的呢? Step 4 學生在教師的引導下進行試題分析。 T:你是如何從這幾句話中推出答案的呢? 分析: 分析: She says that the way you think is causing

some of your illness. 你想的 方式導致疾病, study the human mind and try to explain why people behave in 方式導致疾病, the way that they do,研究人類思想解釋人的行為。Think 的名詞 thoughts, 研究人類思想解釋人的行為。 研究人類思想解釋人的行為 , behave 的名詞 behaviour. 小節:關注問題題幹 確定選項。 五 過關測試 Step 1 學生在規定的時間(10 分鐘)內完成過關測試題一(見附件三) 。 Step 2 學生分析訂正答案。

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六 總結閱讀能力提高策略。 積累同義,詞彙是關鍵。珍惜時間,見到就背。 潛心閱讀,耐心尋找。排除節選, 方法得當。抓住認的,合理猜測。 七 佈置作業 1、背記會考三級詞彙動詞 30 個。 2、完成所發細節資訊理解閱讀料模擬題劃出的。 附材料 細節理解資訊題( 細節理解資訊題 二) 理解句義判斷 理解句義判斷 1. 連線Ⅰ、Ⅱ欄中相同的表達 1、He is looking after his younger sister.. A. She always helps others. 2、Mike often goes to school by bike B. He is taking care of his younger sister. 3、She is a kind-hearted girl. C. Mike often rides a bicycle to school. 2. 閱讀下列材料,完成後面問題。 (一) If you live in the city that allows fireworks and you're planning a do-it-yourself celebration, follow the safety advice to protect yourself and the people watching: Make sure an adult(成人) is to be with you at all times. Don't allow little kids to play with fireworks. Always use fireworks outside with water nearby. Keep fireworks away from dry leaves and other things that can easily catch fire. Light one firework at a time. Keep the firework you're lighting well away from unlit(未點燃的)fireworks. Point fireworks away from people. If you're lighting a firework, wear eye protection and put the firework pointing up. If a firework doesn't seem to work, don't try to light(點燃) it again. Stand back for a while and throw water over it. Put all fireworks into the water before throwing them away. Keep fireworks in a cool, dry place. If someone is hurt in the eye by fireworks, don’t rub the eye. Call 999 or go to the nearest hospital.( 2007 年北京會考大綱卷閱讀 B 篇 242 詞) 52. What shall we do if a firework doesn’t seem to work?

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A. Wait and throw water over it. C. Try to light it again quickly.

B. Light another firework. D. Call 999 for help at once.

(二) When you’re in trouble, don’t give away your power to decide how you feel about yourself. Choose how you want to think and act (行動). Other people can’t make you unhappy or angry. They only act in their own way and then it’s up to you to decide how you will respond (迴應). For example, your friends go out to lunch without

you. You feel angry. How are you going to act? You may blame your friends…“They’re not kind. Who needs them anyway?” or56 you may tell your friends how you feel, listen to their explanation (解釋), and let them know you’d like to be invited next time. 56. If the writer’s friends have a dinner without him, he may .理解細節整合文段 A. forget it and be still friendly with them B. talk to them and try to find out why C. do the same thing to them in return D. ask somebody else to talk to them ( 三) Before he started his journey, Jeff spent 2 years practicing running and took part in many boat races. He had also traveled in the Arctic for 28 years. All of these were good for him. But trouble still happened. Jeff was seven days into his journey in the Arctic. It was dark and terribly cold (-35 ℃). In face of this terribly low temperature, he had made good progress across the ice. Suddenly, the ice broke and one of his sledges fell into the sea. Jeff needed to get it back, so he had to put his hand into the ice-covered water. 50. Jeff for his journey. A. bought enough food B. practiced running C. had a medical check D. took a long walk ( 四) 1 It′s 2009. You feel sick, so you go to the doctor. She checks your fever,

looks at your throat, and asks what you′ve been thinking about lately. When you leave, she gives you some medicine, but also a list of thinking skills that you are supposed to practice daily. 55 She says that the way you think is causing some of your illness.

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?2 Doctors and other scientists who study the human mind and try to explain why people behave in the way that they do, called psychologists, are starting to believe it. You know that your brain is connected to every part of your body through your nervous system (神經系統). Now scientists have proved that how you think and feel can have an influence on the health of your body. 55.A psychologist is a person who may help you with your. A. illness and abilities B. thoughts and behaviour C. mind and nervous system ical activity and daily exercise



A bully is a person who enjoys hurting other people. A bully can hurt people with words or by hitting them. 85% of children in the UK have been bullied(欺侮) at least once. How can I tell if a person is a bully? He or she will… try to find your weak point — perhaps you are shy, nervous or easily made worried. make fun of(取笑)you in front of your friends. borrow money then won’t pay you back. What can I do if a bully bothers(騷擾) me? Tell the bully to leave you alone. Do not be afraid to ask other people to help you, even though the bully tells you not to. Do not feel ashamed(羞愧) because you have been bullied. You have done nothing wrong! The bully should feel ashamed. Do not believe the bad things a bully says about you. What should I do if I see a bully bothering someone? Help people who are being bullied, e

ven though you don’t know them. Be a friend to people who are bullied. Tell a teacher if you see bullying. Tell bullies to stop. Sometimes bullies are afraid, too. Why do some people become bullies? Some bullies… have never learnt to think about other people’s feelings. don’t like themselves, so they are sad. They think they will be happy if they

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make another person sad. have been bullied themselves by other bullies. Can bullies change? Yes! Bullies can change when they learn to think about other people’s feelings. Sometimes bullies must be punished(懲罰) before they understand. Sometimes, bullies just need friends.( 2006 年北京會考閱讀 B 篇 280 詞) 54. What should you do if you see a bully bothering your friends? A. Leave your friends alone. B. Help your friends prevent the bullying. C. Make your friends feel ashamed. D. Tell your friends they are wrong. (二) Old friends. They finish your sentences, they remember the cat that ran away when you were twelve, and they tell you the truth when you’ve had a bad haircut. But mostly, they are always there for you, whether it’s in person or by way of the late night phone calls, through good times and bad. But as the years pass, it becomes more and more difficult to see each other, to make new memories. Luckily, my high school girlfriends and I decided long ago not to let this happen. We decided to have reunions(重聚). A few months ago, we met up for a three-day weekend in the American Southwest. We grew up together in Maine and have said for years that we should have an annual event, yet it’s often postponed or canceled due to schedule conflicts(日程安排衝突). Not this year. Four of us—two from SanFrancisco, one from Boston and one from Seattle-got on planes for New Mexico, where one of the gang lives and works for an art gallery. We had long talks by the pool, wonderful meals and a hike that brought the whole group to tears over the sheer(完全的) wonderment that we can be this close—twelve years after graduation—with such physical distance(距離) between us. It’s heartbreaking that we can’t spend our days together in the same neighborhood, walking the same streets, reading the same newspaper at the same coffee shop. But that’s life. Grown-up life. Life today, however, is full of doubt, full of fear. Yet it reminds(提醒) me—now, more than ever—how important it is that we stay in close touch. We may have questions about our future, but we have true faith in our past, and though this reunion of friends has come to a close, we are already drawing up plans for the next one. ( 2008 年北京豐臺補 充統練一 C 篇 325 詞) 52. Your old friends do the following things except . A. knowing what you are going to say. B. caring about little things about you.

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