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“整體感知” 即把握主旨大意和篇章結構,整體理解文章。在活動設計過程中要善於抓文章的標題、主題句和關鍵詞等。例如Book6 Unit4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER – BUT DOES IT MATTER? 這是一篇雜誌文章,主要講述了地球溫度上升的現象和原因,以及不同的科學家對這一現象的不同看法。這篇文章有著雜誌文章典型的特徵:有標題,導語,圖表、引言、段落由主題句統領等。設計教學活動時要充分利用這些特點,讓學生去整體感知文章內容,把握結構脈絡。可設計如下教學活動:

Activity 1: Glance quickly at the magazine article and answer the questions:

1)Who wrote the magazine article? What is the name of the magazine?

2)What are the two graphs about?

3)What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?

4)What do they think about global warming? Do they agree with one another?

5)What is the main topic of the article?

Activity 2: Skim the article and find out the main idea of each part.

Part 1(Para 1)Explain how global warming comes about.

Part 2(Para 2-5)Introduce the topic of global warming.

Part 3(Para 6)Should we do something about global warming?

Part 4(Para7)Different attitudes among scientists towards global warming.


針對文字的內容、語言結構特徵,設計問題,在問題的引領下,讓學生進行探究式學習。設計問題時要注意抓住主要事實和關鍵資訊,揭示文章的'深層涵義,鍛鍊學生的分析歸納能力和邏輯推理能力。例如Book6 Unit4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER – BUT DOES IT MATTER? 在細讀環節可設計如下教學活動:

Task 1:Read the article carefully and answer the questions. List the main ideas and major details.

1)What is global warming?

2)How has this come about?

3)What are the positive and negative effects of global warming?

Task 2:Discuss the question in groups of four: Should we do something about the global warming? You may use some arguments from the article.


語言目標的達成需要結合文字語境,貫穿文字的理解過程,儘可能多的在課堂內重現目標詞彙,還可按照呈現——復現——操練——運用的步驟圍繞主題有層次地進行詞彙操練,實現目標詞彙在課堂內的迴圈。教學活動可以採用猜測新詞,詞彙替換,文段改寫填空練習,也可進行運用詞彙問答、複述、討論或者佳句、佳段賞析背誦等。還以Book6 Unit5 AN EXCITING JOB 為例,設計讀後活動如下:

Complete the paragraph about the writer’s first experience of volcano eruption.

I was __fast__ asleep when my bed began __shaking__ and I heard a __strange__ sound, like a train __passing my window. Then suddenly I found my bedroom become as __bright_ as day and red hot lava __fountaining_ hundreds of meters into the air. The next day, two other scientists and I wanted to get close to the __crater_. We put on white protective __suits , __helmets_, big __boots_ and special __gloves_, which made us look like ___spacemen__. We slowly ___made our way__ to the edge of the crater to collect some __lava__ for later study.


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