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(1) 申請者的學業成績或特質,是否具有領導才能,是否具有很強的分析能力等。在這一點上要注意適度,不能因為謙虛對優點加以掩蓋,也不能誇誇其談過高的估計申請者。

(2) 挖掘申請者自身的特殊之處,例如有很強的溝通能力,或者是擅長某種語言等。

(3) 就你所瞭解的範圍而言,該申請者有什麼比較重要的成績或是成就,學業上的或是其他方面的。

(4) 該申請者是否有何弱項,例如之前有過某些方面的挫折,但是從這個失敗的經歷中獲得了什麼經驗教訓等。

(5) 對申請者未來潛力的描述,即解釋推薦人願意對該申請者做出推薦的原因,以及一旦該申請者獲得到該校繼續深造的機會會有什麼 發展等。


(1) 介紹部份。首先應該清楚明確的介紹推薦人的情況,工作單位、職位、與被推薦人的關係以及與被推薦人相處的時間長短等。在這一部份也可以給被推薦人一個總體的評價。

(2) 主體部分。重點講述被推薦人一至兩個優秀品質,並且用有力的事實證明加以輔佐。要注意掌握對具體事例的選擇,這不是簡單的把申請者簡歷上的經歷等內容進行一個拼湊,而是要要舉出幾個最有代表性的能夠充分體現申請人人格魅力的例子。

(3) 結論部份。解釋為什麼申請人的申請計劃是適合他本人的,並且說明你認為該申請人在未來會對這個被申請的學校做出什麼樣的貢獻。最後可以再次強調你對推薦該申請者充滿信心,為能夠推薦他到更好的院校進行深造感到十分自豪,同時表示學校在稽核材料的過程中可以隨時聯絡你,附上你的聯絡方式。


吳可馨,2005年8月考入深圳市百年老校南頭中學高中部,在精英薈萃的一班就讀,我有幸成了她高中階段第一任班主任、第一任語文老師、第一任年級組長,得以熟悉並瞭解她。 可馨有著強烈的進取心和求知慾,並且很獨立、很主動地設計著自己的人生。她不喜歡輕易跟著別人轉。在會考結束後大多數學生都去狂歡放鬆的時候,她選擇了暑期語言進修。這使她後來的中文成績、英文成績在年級近千名學生中一直遙遙領先。她很擅長寫作,這除了得益於她的想象力和創造力,更多依賴於她思維的個性和深度。她的隨筆有一種獨特的韻味和有別於常人的思考,她不喜歡寫空話,無論是寫自己生活的瑣屑,還是發表對他人、對時事的看法,她絕對說真話。所以她的文章總是吸引很多人,大家還常常被她文章中的悲憫情懷所打動,一個被辭退的教師,一位答不上題的同學,一隻流浪的貓等等,都會讓她頓生惻隱之心。更難得的是,她還剖析這些事件背後的文化意義,這就使得她身上散發著一種古老的人文精神,和她的獨立態度和自由精神一樣,這是她超越同屆學生們的地方。作為一名熱愛讀書的女生,她有很敏感的心,對語言尤其有一種細膩而透徹的悟性,這使得她的文字溫婉而不失一種張力。


因為讀書和隨筆的原因,我們走得較近,她的聰慧、熱情以及誠實、勤勉,給我留下了很好的印象;並且教學相長,她在某種程度上也促進了我教學的發展。所以在此我誠摯推薦吳可馨同學入貴校學習,並期待著她的學業、她的人生在更大的空間裡有著更大的發展。 推薦人:深圳市南頭中學劉耀娟


中文段落範例: 某同學與我相處了四年之久,其特點在我心中如繁天星斗,明滅可辨,卻又數之不盡。







Recommendation for XXX

Dear Sir or Madam:

As the Physic teacher of Miss Han, I have known her for 4 years during which time I’ve shaped a overall image of her. Generally, she’s included in the category of top-notch students I’ve ever acquainted with. Thus, I’m happy to give an introduction outlining her junior high school life here, to enable you to assess her suitability for acceptance to your esteemed university.


I taught Miss XXX, where she left me with an impression of her intellect, industry and independent thinking. During the 2 years in my class, both her assignments, which are meticulously finished, along with test scores on Physics subject almost always come out excellent. On the whole, she performed fairly competitively in most subjects in junior high. 這一段是從第一個側面來描述被推薦人,本文是從學術角度評價被推薦人的。

With a different frame of reference, I’d like to focus the picture on her merits of art talents and perseverance. Her active participation and many awards in art contests guide me to speculate about longtime practice of playing piano and painting which has later been

confirmed by her. It seems that her serious attitude toward school courses has something to do with the art practice. Though suffering from a broken arm since an accident in a sports activity, she didn’t give up practicing piano and finally passed the certificate exam of that year. Having conversed with her parents about the story, I come to understand this connection.


Not only does she exhibit many talents but also employs them to aid the class in various activities. Assigned to take charge of activities related to arts, she fulfilled her duties pretty well in selecting songs for the chorus, teaching them word by word and finally

accompanying their vocals in the contests. Besides, another case would prove her an able student to balance and make schedules. Even with approaching final exams and heavy courses work, she still kept classroom bulletin board updated by tips about courses and instant news about campus. Probably she takes it as a manner in which her painting skills could be applied while class activities were assisted.


XXX has been a real asset to Beijing middle school, both in academics and in extracurricular activities. I am quite sure that she will prove equally valuable to your university, and am convinced that she will prove an outstanding undergraduate student. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information regarding this remarkable student.




來源:新東方夏令營 點選率: 298 釋出: 2010-6-28



Recommendation for XXX

Dear Sir or Madam:

As the Physic teacher of Miss Han, I have known her for 4 years during which time I’ve shaped a overall image of her. Generally, she’s included in the category of top-notch students I’ve ever acquainted with. Thus, I’m happy to give an introduction outlining her junior high school life here, to enable you to assess her suitability for acceptance to your esteemed university.


I taught Miss XXX, where she left me with an impression of her intellect, industry and independent thinking. During the 2 years in my class, both her assignments, which are meticulously finished, along with test scores on Physics subject almost always come out excellent. On the whole, she performed fairly competitively in most subjects in junior high.


With a different frame of reference, I’d like to focus the picture on her merits of art talents and perseverance. Her active participation and many awards in art contests guide me to speculate about longtime practice of playing piano and painting which has later been confirmed by her. It seems that her serious attitude toward school courses has something to do with the art practice. Though suffering from a broken arm since an accident in a sports activity, she didn’t give up practicing piano and finally passed the certificate exam of that year. Having conversed with her parents about the story, I come to understand this connection.


Not only does she exhibit many talents but also employs them to aid the class in various activities. Assigned to take charge of activities related to arts, she fulfilled her duties pretty well in selecting songs for the chorus, teaching them word by word and finally accompanying their vocals in the contests. Besides, another case would prove her an able student to balance and make schedules.

Even with approaching final exams and heavy courses work, she still kept classroom bulletin board updated by tips about courses and instant news about campus. Probably she takes it as a manner in which her painting skills could be applied while class activities were assisted.


XXX has been a real asset to Beijing middle school, both in academics and in extracurricular activities. I am quite sure that she will prove equally valuable to your university, and am convinced that she will prove an outstanding undergraduate student. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information regarding this remarkable student.


Tips on DIY留學申請推薦信



Google + 柯林斯英英字典(不要用金山)

使用google可以檢驗你的表達是中式的還是native的,因為如果表達非常中式,search bar下面會蹦出好多中英夾雜的網站連結,那麼就直接否定掉。

筆者曾經翻譯過一個詞“班主任”,很遺憾美國的高中並不設有這樣一項職位,網路上有譯為teacher in charge of the class,這屬於純粹的“意”譯。外國人仍然不能第一眼看明白。於是,筆者從班主任的功能出發,想到了supervisor一詞,然後再次google,非常讓人興奮的是class supervisor一詞有很多uk和美國的連結,而且supervisor是監督之意,符合班主任之職責。

使用柯林斯英英字典的理由是,他給出的英文解釋和例句能夠消除英漢字典中中文解釋的歧義。lenge the authority在英文中用來形容英勇的行為,有較強的感情色彩,不宜修飾學生,若修飾學生直接使用 the courage to question就好,中性且無異議。



Wuhan University

Address: Luojia Mountain, Wuchang District, Wuhan city, 430072



Letter of Recommendation

As the dean of School of Journalism and Communication at Wuhan University, it’s an honor for me to recommend one of my students Shao Jingzhu as a competent candidate for acceptance into your graduate program.

I appreciate the talents of this bright young girl demonstrated during her academic studies in our school, as I know, her scores of major courses are very good and heads her same grade, which could be verified by her transcript. Shao Jingzhu was very active and innovative in academic research, especial on theory of radio and television, criticism and comments on audio- visual media. Most of her papers were original in viewpoints, sharp in language, profound and forward-looking on the current situation and development and were assessed as excellent models by our school. She set up a separate flag in practice, some of her advertisement works won honors in provincial competitions. As the most industrious student in our non-linear lab, she was diligent in program production. All of her professors highly appraised her as the pioneer stuent.

Though the grading system in our university is strict, her average score of 85 ranked her among the best. I think this is due to her rigorous attitude toward study and her strong capability of learning. In 2008 for her excellent performance in academic studies and English ability, she was sent to Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as the exchange student. On her return back from Singapore we were amazed to find that she has made great improvement both in broadcasting production skills and theories knowledge of film. From her transcript

you could know that she even got A in one practical course Audio in Media by NTU, one hard subject for the student majored in journalism and communication. In her exchange life in NTU she has set up very good personal friendship with American professor Bradley Freeman. She was sent to take internship in CCTV news channel, where she improved herself greatly in short time. At the end of her internship she could complete the work of reporting domestic news independently.

Shao Jingzhu is so earnest, enthusiastic and mature in thinking, seldom in her peers. I recognize her abilities of study, research and participation in social work that she is qualified to be enrolled by our interview graduate in Wuhan University. But she chose to make further studies, a new speciality for her, in your university. Therefore I would like to lend my full support to this top class student for her admission to your postgraduate program. She would be as good as in our university. Sincerely hope you will give her application favorable consideration, as she truly deserves so. You would like this lovely and diligent student.

Luo Yicheng 羅以澄

Dean of School of Journalism and Communication

Wuhan University

Member of Discipline Assessment Group of State Council

Vice- chairman of China Association of Journalism and Education



美國留學申請文書技巧-美國大學推薦信的格式 美國大學推薦信對於美國留學申請非常重要,可謂文書中的`重中之重,好的推薦信可以為申請帶來意想不到的效果。很多同學問到美國大學推薦信格式的問題,其實,美國留學推薦信格式和普通訊件的格式基本一致,下面我們來具體說說。

美國大學推薦信格式除了信頭、發信日期、收信人姓名、稱呼、信尾謙稱、簽名、推薦人姓名、職務等信件必需部分之外,正文內容說明應包括以下六項內容: 被推薦者的簽名——為便於對方查詢,被推薦者的簽名僅寫"Mr. Wang"或"Miss Zhang"是不夠的。用標準的漢語拼音或英文拼法都可以,但必須由被推薦者自己提供,且前後必須一致。

認識被推薦者的時間(How long have you known him/her?)——何時開始認識,或認識了多久。

認識程度(How well do you know him/her?)——是偶爾見面還是關係密切,或僅教過一年還是擔任其導師。


被推薦人的表現(Performance)——學習上、生活上、課堂上和課外活動上的表現。 結論意見——願意推薦或不願意推薦,無保留或有所保留的推薦,普通推薦或極力推薦,必須明確,當然極力推薦為最好。








(1) 申請者的學業成績或特質,是否具有領導才能,是否具有很強的分析能力等。在這一點上要注意適度,不能因為謙虛對優點加以掩蓋,也不能誇誇其談過高的估計申請者。

(2) 充分挖掘申請者自身的特殊之處,例如有很強的溝通能力,或者是擅長某種語言等。

(3) 就你所瞭解的範圍而言,該申請者有什麼比較重要的成績或是成就,學業上的或是其他方面的。

(4) 該申請者是否有何弱項,例如之前有過某些方面的挫折,但是從這個失敗的經歷中獲得了什麼經驗教訓等。

(5) 對申請者未來潛力的描述,即解釋推薦人願意對該申請者做出推薦的原因,以及一旦該申請者獲得到該校繼續深造的機會會有什麼 發展等。


(1) 介紹部份。首先應該清楚明確的介紹推薦人的情況,工作單位、職位、與被推薦人的關係以及與被推薦人相處的時間長短等。在這一部份也可以給被推薦人一個總體的評價。

(2) 主體部分。重點講述被推薦人一至兩個優秀品質,並且用有力的事實證明加以輔佐。要注意掌握對具體事例的選擇,這不是簡單的把申請者簡歷上的經歷等內容進行一個拼湊,而是要要舉出幾個最有代表性的能夠充分體現申請人人格魅力的例子。

(3) 結論部份。解釋為什麼申請人的申請計劃是適合他本人的,並且說明你認為該申請人在未來會對這個被申請的學校做出什麼樣的貢獻。最後可以再次強調你對推薦該申請者充滿信心,為能夠推薦他到更好的院校進行深造感到十分自豪,同時表示學校在稽核材料的過程中可以隨時聯絡你,不要忘記附上你的聯絡方式。


吳可馨,2005年8月考入深圳市百年老校南頭中學高中部,在精英薈萃的一班就讀,我有幸成了她高中階段第一任班主任、第一任語文老師、第一任年級組長,得以熟悉並瞭解她。 可馨有著強烈的進取心和求知慾,並且很獨立、很主動地設計著自己的人生。她不喜歡輕易跟著別人轉。在會考結束後大多數學生都去狂歡放鬆的時候,她選擇了暑期語言進修。這使她後來的中文成績、英文成績在年級近千名學生中一直遙遙領先。她很擅長寫作,這除了得益於她的想象力和創造力,更多依賴於她思維的個性和深度。她的隨筆有一種獨特的韻味和有別於常人的思考,她不喜歡寫空話,無論是寫自己生活的瑣屑,還是發表對他人、對時事的看法,她絕對說真話。所以她的文章總是吸引很多人,大家還常常被她文章中的悲憫情懷所打動,一個被辭退的教師,一位答不上題的同學,一隻流浪的貓等等,都會讓她頓生惻隱之心。更難得的是,她還剖析這些事件背後的文化意義,這就使得她身上散發著一種古老的人文精神,和她的獨立態度和自由精神一樣,這是她超越同屆學生們的地方。作為一名熱愛讀書的女生,她有很敏感的心,對語言尤其有一種細膩而透徹的悟性,這使得她的文字溫婉而不失一種張力。



因為讀書和隨筆的原因,我們走得較近,她的聰慧、熱情以及誠實、勤勉,給我留下了很好的印象;並且教學相長,她在某種程度上也促進了我教學的發展。所以在此我誠摯推薦吳可馨同學入貴校學習,並期待著她的學業、她的人生在更大的空間裡有著更大的發展。 推薦人:深圳市南頭中學劉耀娟









下面是一封Carlton原創的高中生就讀美國大學本科的推薦人推薦信,歷時一整天完成。 推薦信從班主任和物理老師的角度來描述評判被推薦學生。部分語句和段落可以直接套用。

Recommendation for XXX

Dear Sir or Madam:

As the Physic teacher of Miss Han, I have known her for 4 years during which time I’ve shaped a overall image of her. Generally, she’s included in the category of top-notch students I’ve ever acquainted with. Thus, I’m happy to give an introduction outlining her junior high school life here, to enable you to assess her suitability for acceptance to your esteemed university.


I taught Miss XXX, where she left me with an impression of her intellect, industry and independent thinking. During the 2 years in my class, both her assignments, which are meticulously finished, along with test scores on Physics subject almost always come out excellent. On the whole, she performed fairly competitively in most subjects in junior high. 這一段是從第一個側面來描述被推薦人,本文是從學術角度評價被推薦人的。

With a different frame of reference, I’d like to focus the picture on her merits of art talents and perseverance. Her active participation and many awards in art contests guide me to speculate about longtime practice of playing piano and painting which has later been

confirmed by her. It seems that her serious attitude toward school courses has something to do with the art practice. Though suffering from a broken arm since an accident in a sports activity, she didn’t give up practicing piano and finally passed the certificate exam of that year. Having conversed with her parents about the story, I come to understand this connection.


Not only does she exhibit many talents but also employs them to aid the class in various activities. Assigned to take charge of activities related to arts, she fulfilled her duties pretty well in selecting songs for the chorus, teaching them word by word and finally

accompanying their vocals in the contests. Besides, another case would prove her an able student to balance and make schedules. Even with approaching final exams and heavy courses work, she still kept classroom bulletin board updated by tips about courses and instant news about campus. Probably she takes it as a manner in which her painting skills could be applied while class activities were assisted.


XXX has been a real asset to Beijing middle school, both in academics and in extracurricular activities. I am quite sure that she will prove equally valuable to your university, and am convinced that she will prove an outstanding undergraduate student. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information regarding this remarkable student.


Tips on DIY留學申請推薦信


To Whom It May Concern:

I am very pleased to recommend Martha Holden for admission to your university program. As her guidance counselor for three years I have watched this young woman develop both academically and personally into a mature individual ready in every way for her college years.

Martha is bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well rounded. Her grades have been consistently above average in all of her courses, and she has actively participated in

a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from track and field and chorus to the school yearbook and our drama club.

Martha has also spent considerable time outside the school involved in the

community. This has included work with Meals on Wheels and volunteering 10 hours a week at one of our area's shelters for battered and abused women.

They think so much of her at the shelter they have offered her a paid internship for next summer. Previously, this internship had never been awarded to anyone before the end of their college sophomore year. Despite all the preparations that will be required for going off to college next fall, Martha told me she is absolutely thrilled about this opportunity and feels it will enhance her university studies.

Unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, Martha has made clear to us all that her goal is to do Social Work. To this end she has worked tirelessly in our pilot program for mentoring Special Education students mainstreamed into our school.

In closing, let me take a moment to recount an incident which I believe speaks volumes about the superior nature of this candidate. Two years ago I was returning from lunch to my office when I saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound Martha, arms stretched out between two 180+ pound students, one a Special Ed student and the other a school bully. Other students were standing by motionless or laughing while Martha showed the leadership and courage to immediately put an end to the embarrassing fight that had erupted.

It is clear to me as I hope it is to you that this young woman, Martha Holden, is an

exceptional candidate, one that would contribute greatly to any program. I wholeheartedly recommend her and wish her the very best in all future endeavors.


Jean Atkins

Senior Counselor

Alexander Hamilton High School


SAMPLE LETTERS (with modifications and deletions in order to preserve anonymity)